This past weekend, I was listening to iTunes on my computer. Now, usually I like to listen to my music on the shuffle feature. I'm sure this isn't a surprise, since I would bet most people do the same thing. This particular time and for some reason, my computer was playing my tunes in alphabetical order by artist. That gave me a different listening experience....a listening experience that I grew up with, one that is lacking in our music industry of "singles" today, and one that I hope people will return to soon. This particular day, my listening experience was hearing one album by one album at a time! Several songs from the same artist and the same album in one listening experience. It gave me the enjoyment of listening to music the way each artist has written and produced their conceptual album. I do think one can enjoy a song all on it's own, and I've done it many times. However, listening to an album has brought back emotions of why I enjoy certain artists and their amazing works of art. Their albums are a package of hard work and great stories. As a manager in the music industry for many many years, I understand the changing world of "singles" that we live in, and why it works. However, I hope to inspire everyone to go back and listen to your favorite albums from the first song to the last song. You will love your Listening Experience!
Enjoy!!!!! Sandy